Pilots in our laboratory


We carefully test innovative or special solutions, prior to field implementation

Testing works

Groundwater Technology has her own laboratory facilities to test new and innovative solutions for soil improvement or remediation. Soil compositions span a huge range and the type of compounds present is never the exact same. Testing new concepts in controlled laboratory conditions is crucial to determine before full scale deployment if these can yield the expected results. After a successful pilot, we design the full-scale implementation.

Aerobic or anaerobic

We can simultaneously run multiple tests on groundwater and soil samples to determine the optimal recipe for the desired treatment. We simulate aerobic or anaerobic processes in saturated or unsaturated conditions in both batch tests as well as column experiments.

Soil characterization

Soil characterization is crucial to determine the recipe of amendments that will achieve optimal results in the subsoil. Together with our partners, we have access to advanced analytical methods to assess and predict biological processes, mineral formation and impact on soil properties.