Contaminant Degradation by Zero-Valent Iron
In situ chemical reduction on zero valent iron enhances remedial processes. We use a proprietary mix of organic substrates and zero-valent iron that creates both enhanced biodegradation as well as chemical degradation. This method gives quick results while longevity keeps costs down. We have been deploying this technology since 2008.
Direct push injection
Direct push injection is trusted method to inject amendments into the soil, Injection rods are driven to the desired depths and amendments are injected to migrate with groundwater through the treatment zone. Injecting on a fine grid creates full coverage by the amendments. Injection rods are removed after injection, nothing is left at the surface.
Reactive zones
Amendments are injected in a zone down gradient of a contaminant plume in groundwater. Contaminated groundwater enters the reactive zone where contamination is degraded. Treated water leaves the reactive zone. Reactive zone can be installed in many ways to significant depths.