Stabilizing contaminants in the soil


Contaminant immobilization

Contaminant immobilization

Reducing availability and migration of toxic contaminants can be a viable remedial strategy. We developed multiple techniques to address metals and selected organics. Formation of insoluble precipitates can be used to immobilize metals. Organic compounds (such as PFAS and chlorinated hydrocarbons) can be stabilized by adsorbing on adsorbents stabilized in the soil, or by reducing accessibility of contaminants.

In Situ metal precipitation

In Situ Metal Precipitation (ISMP) stabilizes metal-containing compounds onto the soil. Formation of insoluble metal sulphides is a well-known approach, requiring injection of selected amendments. We run tests in our laboratory to determine the optimal recipe and concentrations of amendments required.

Stabilizing organics, including PFAS

Groundwater Technology developed several techniques to stabilize PFAS in situ. These technologies will encapsulate or adsorb PFAS and are especially suited for permeable sandy aquifers where mobile PFAS can easily migrate.