Vibration mitigation


Treated soil layers dampen vibrations.

Vibrations in soil

The intensity of road & railway usage continues to increase. Traffic caused vibrations which migrate through the soil, possibly causing nuisance to residents. Such vibrations can even be a hazard to buildings, sensitive equipment or create pressure waves underneath railways.

Railways & other roads

The rail network is under pressure. The number, speed and weight of trains increases, causing more violent vibrations. Such vibrations cause nuisance.

BISI brings 2 ways to mitigate this:

  • Formation of stable gasses in the saturated zone reduces vibration transmission significantly;
  • Cementation creates a hard ‘wall’ in the underground.

Pilot project

At a pilot project in Toronto, Groundwater Technology create miniature earthquakes to verify the effects of gas bubbles on vibration propagation. A very large seismic testing machine was mobilized all the way from Texas to Toronto. This induces major vibrations to the subsoil, measuring wave propagation in real time. We found that presence of gas reduces wave propagation velocity by 75% as compared to wave propagation in fully saturated soils at the same site, outside of the treated zone.


Wij engineeren de uitvoering van een project. Van bodemonderzoek tot detailontwerp van saneringsmaatregelen.

Pilotproeven in het lab

Wij beschikken over onderzoeksfaciliteiten om oplossingen te toetsen voordat we overgaan tot uitvoering in het veld.

Inpassing in infra en ontwikkeling

De bodemsanering staat niet op zichzelf maar maakt onderdeel uit van de ontwikkeling van een locatie of nieuwbouw.