Quays and shore constructions
Quays often separate intensely used land roads and even intensely used water ways. The weight of roads and traffic increases, thus increasing the load on queys. More traffic on the water causes localized powerful flows, where propellers of manoeuvring ships or the suction of passing vessels impact quays.
Quays were never designed to deal with such issues, which leads to damage and possibly catastrophic failure.
Natural solutions for quays
BISI offers multiple solutions:
Natural solutions for foundations
Historic city quays often are built on wooden pilings that were driven into the soil, resting on deeper solid sand layers. Groundwater Technology can aim BISI based solutions at the piling foundations in the sand, thus increasing the load-bearing capacity by a factor of (up to) 5.
Increasing load bearing stability using BISI brings major advantages:
Wij engineeren de uitvoering van een project. Van bodemonderzoek tot detailontwerp van saneringsmaatregelen.
Pilotproeven in het lab
Wij beschikken over onderzoeksfaciliteiten om oplossingen te toetsen voordat we overgaan tot uitvoering in het veld.
Inpassing in infra en ontwikkeling
De bodemsanering staat niet op zichzelf maar maakt onderdeel uit van de ontwikkeling van een locatie of nieuwbouw.